Tuesday 17 April 2012


This is my full evaluation. It contains the first 5 questions in the series of essays for the evaluations. There is a mixture of voice over, camstudio and Prezi's.

Friday 30 March 2012

Thursday 29 March 2012

Diary Entry

This week is the final week of my media coursework.
I am trying desperately to finish all of my evaluations which are taking a long time to render. I found out why, this is due to me rendering in a too high quality for what is needed. I have shortened the quality down so that it will be easier to render from Premier Pro.
Also, I am using variety in the way that I display all of my work.
I am using: Scribd, Prezi, Premier Pro, Photoshop, Youtube, Slideshare and of course Blogger. These are a great way of organising all of my work to achieve the best grade possible. In the last few days all I need to do now is upload my final magazine and render another video.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I began my preliminary task at the beginning of the school year. GCSE’s had taught the basics of adobe Photoshop and how to create a good magazine, however, I needed to create a great magazine. Baring this in mind I went about creating a magazine for the school, that focused on all age groups from those just starting school to the sixth formers who are in there final months at the school. The target audience was hard as it covered a wide age range and the ages in there were very diverse.

The main image on my front cover is a full bleed. This means it fills the entire page. I changed the image on my real cover as I took a very good image and wanted to use that instead. The title is called 'The people' which will entice a variety of audiences as my magazine is meant for the entire school. All of the sell lines entice these audiences as they all relate to different years in the school: 'GCSE choices, We can Help!'. This will obviously draw attention from Year nine students as they are in the GCSE choosing process.

'School Survival Guide', is aimed at year seven students who are new to the school and want to know how to cope with the everyday pressures of high school. Finally 'Top Tips For Exam Survival', the target audience here is for year eleven, twelve and thirteen students as they are undergoing there GCSE, AS or A2 exams.

All of these sell lines help to 'sell' the magazine to the intended target audiences. The colour scheme suits that of boys and girls so will entice a variety of year 8 boys to year 11 girls, who maybe worlds apart in terms of their hobbies, likes and dislikes.
The colours on the page will b[Image]e bright and vibrant as they will attract and entice people to come and view it and the the sell line will 'sell' the magazine.

My contents page has a list of random pages on the left hand side, easily viewable for anyone, making for easy reading. There are no long or complicated words or phrases to suit all abilities. There are images of the students in the school so that they can be related with and a picture of the headmaster for a special article on him in this weeks edition of The People.
The website is in full view for people to see, this advertises the magazine on the front page and on the contents. Also on the front page is the price, which is 50p. The price is not expensive which allows both rich and poor, upper and lower class people buy the magazine, as the school has many different social classes and people benefit economically differently.
No bar code as it is a school magazine and there is no need.

The puporse is for all to enjoy and what I have included succeeds this.
From this task I had a basic understanding of a magazine and how it worked. I understood all the codes and conventions of a magazine such as where sell lines go and what features should be on the front. For my preliminary task I took a few pictures with a relatively low price digital camera. These pictures are not very good quality and do not look as appealing as on the front of my magazine. I took this on board for my final piece of coursework as I then used a better high quality camera to take professional images that suited my magazine.

Moreover, when creating my preliminary task, I used basic fonts. These basic fonts were boring and dull, suitable for a school magazine however, they did not look realistic nor very enticing to and potential reader. I downloaded fonts from dafont.com for my real magazine. These fonts were unique and looked very appealing to all of my audience (predominantly males from 14 to 24). Although the fonts were good enough to appeal to other audiences. With these, I could add effects to make them 3D or add a drop shadow to emphasise key pieces of information I wanted the audience to see. The Bevel and Emboss tool allows me to create a 3D piece of text that stood out and looked professional.

What have you learned about technologies from the process of construction of the product?