Thursday 15 December 2011

Sell Line Ideas

My sell lines will apear on my front cover of my magazine, AMPlified:

The Wombats New Album

Glastonbury 2013 Preview
Reading 2012 Preview

Leeds 2012 Preview

The Killers, Killing the Music Industry?

Simon Cowell Speaks Out
Arctic Monkeys vs Tropical Primate

George Blake, New and Exclusive

Noel Fielding Speaks to AMP

Free Coldplay Poster Inside

The Vaccines Create a Cure

The Womabts go to Wimbledon

Reading and Leeds Revelaed.

Stone Roses are Back!

Dominic Averkiou, Producer of 2011

Primal Scream Lose Their Voice

Win a BOSE and Bang and Olufsen Speaker Set

Arcade Fire- The Flame is Out!

Free 2012 Calender!

Double Page Spread Draft

This is an early edition of my magazine. I have now since the, changed the colours and fonts.

Contents page Draft

This is an early edition of my contents page. I disliked the colour yellow as it didn't fit with the genre, so I have since changed that.

Front Cover Draft

This is an early edition of my front cover.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Diary Entry

Last week in AS Media Studies, I started and completed my Article Draft. basicaaly, this is the article that will appear on my double page spread, with a few adjustmens.
I wrote my interview in the style of an NME double page spread interview to follow the conventions of popular Music Magazines. I based it on a question and answer style, so the magazine asks the question, followed up by an answer by the band member or artist. In this case the artist who is also the model for my magazine.
Next week, is the last week before christmas and I will start creating my magazine on Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Article Draft

Article Draft

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Diary Entry

Today I uploaded my schedule. Firstly I did it in Microsoft Word where I wrote about what I need to do. Then I uploaded it to Scribd which can be uploaded to my blog.



Diary Entry

Today I created my Mise en Scene. I toom a photo of my model from photoshoot and analysed what he was wearing, his posture, the setting and his facial ecpression.
I did it on microsoft powerpoint then converted it onto slideshare so i could display it on my blog.
I still need to complete my article draft which I will do next media lesson.

Mise en scene

Monday 5 December 2011

Diary Entry

Today I began making a schedule for what work I need to complete and what deadlines I will set my self. This is to help me submit work when it is due and not be behind in my Media AS coursework. I did this simply on word and will finish it next lesson.
I also tidied up my blog, by adding more labels and changing the background colour so that it increase the standard of presentation.
Next lesson I will start on my mise en scene which is due soon.