Sunday 30 October 2011

Diary Enrty

This week is half term and for my coursework I have had t complete a few simple tasks. These are

  • 2 More Diary posts
  • Audience Profile (inc. Questionnare results / Or Interview)
  • Names Ideas
  • Mood Board
  • Colours (connotations)
I have successfully completed all of these and are included in my proposal and on my blog. My mood board gives me ideas about my music magazine and shows me other genres to give me inspiration. My name is one of many that I am still contemplating. The colours and connotations are basically the colour scheme of my work and what this will represent.

Diary Entry

This is the week before half term and I started my proposal. My proposal tells you everything you need to know about my magazine including:

  • The name of my magazine
  • the business features of the magazine
  • how it will sell
  • how it will succeed 
  • style and genre
  • target audience 
All of these will help my magazine succeed. It will be presented on scribd. This gives variety to my magazine aswell as making it seem professional and increasing my marks. Also, when creating my magazine, I will be able to refer to this propsal to see what my next task is and see if I am meeting all of my criteria. If I am not then I will take a step back and evaluate why I have changed it and how I have done this.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Diary Entry 2

This week our task in AS Media was to create a Prezi presentation about Key Concepts for Music Magazine Analysis. They are: Codes and Conventions, Representation, Institution and Audience. Each of these were heading and under them were subheading breaking the subject down into researchable chunks.
I had to research topics such as how music magazines make money and also how they have reacted to the latest tablets and gadgets that could be forcing the magazine, newspaper and comic industry out of business.

Monday 10 October 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

My first few weeks of AS Media were a success. The preliminary task was to create a front cover and contents page for a school. We had to plan it by drawing and sketching it, then we put it onto photoshop and made it on there. I then uploaded it onto my blog and evaluated it. The magazine was designed for secondary school students. We had to pick a target audience however I picked the whole school. This was to entice the whole the school to buy the magazine.

Our next task was to was to analyse three music magazine. We had to analyse their front covers, contents pages and double page spreads. Firstly we started on the front covers. I chose three Indie magazines: Q, NME and Kerrang! They are the three most famous and three that many Indie and Rock fans can relate with. I then had to upload these onto my blog. I uploaded them onto Slideshare which is a way of presenting Powerpoint files on a blog. It looks very attractive and is a different was to host files.