Monday 23 January 2012

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I believe my media product (an Indie music magazine) represents my social group due to its layout and colour scheme. The design of the front cover and contents page ensure that the target audience are represented first, the any other social group who wish to purchase the magazine. By laying out the magazine in a way that targets the target audience, the sales of the magazine will be higher and achieve greater revenue.
Firstly, the colour scheme best describes my target audience. The predominant colour of black implies the audience are sophisticated and chic. Coupled with the red it suggests the reader is rebellious and ‘loud’ yet still holding some moral values. The grey (small amounts) gives the reader a sense of intelligence and articulate, making them seem more confident about themselves as a person. The colours also attract a different audience as well as the predominant teenage group. The black connotes maturity and intellect, whereas the red signifies youth. Therefore they attract both older and younger people due to the connotations of the colours.
These colours have been chosen instead of light colours such as: yellow or pink as I think those colours would add a certain comedic value to it and not efficiently represent the social group. The Indie, rock genre connotes darker colours, reflecting the mood of the listener and bands that are associated with it; these being Foo Fighters and Two Door Cinema Club. Both the bands ‘badges’ feature black and some red. Therefore these colours will be suited to this magazine.
The model used on my front cover is of a similar age to my target audience, thus meaning they can easily relate to him and purchase the magazine. The camera places the model at eye level implying that the audience can interact with him easily as well as adding to the approachable nature of the magazine.  The clothes that my model wears, relate to the genre of the magazine. Skinny jeans and Vans, suggest that the model is leading in fashion and enforces the audience to buy. 

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